2008년 8월 28일 목요일

What character do you most identify with in this novel and why?

I would have to say, Patrick.
Throughout this novel, Patrick struggles with searching for his identity and how his biggest enemy becomes himself. His insecurity of always wanting someone by his side and his struggle to overcome his many ruined states reveal a sense of being lost and without power. For example, when Clara leaves Patrick, he becomes this hopeless, emotionally destruct, and lost, off track.

I do feel pity and pathos for Patrick, because I experienced and went through a simular path.
When I came back to Korea after living my whole childhood in the US, with no intent, I began my search for my identity. I never thought of myself as an American because of my different looks. But after meeting and interacting with Koreans, I realized I wasn't "Korean" as well. I had different beliefs and principles; I was used to a completely different culture. So who was I? I was "blind" like Patrick was. A mixture of hopeless feelings and pain, many nights with tears led me to take the wrong turn. Patrick took a wrong turn when Clara left him by destroying himself emotionally. But later, he was saved by Alice. There were many people in my life who "saved" and guided me towards the right way in my search for identity. When Alice died, Patrick wanted to release his grief by going to the waterworks. When my mom got in a car accident, I experienced pain that I was unable to handle. I tried to release it by making stupid mistakes and torturing myself. But I got out of it and found my way back on the road, just like Patrick did by living with Hana, a hope in his life. Because some events in my life are related with Patrick' life, I know how it feels to be lost, which is why I respond with pathos for Patrick.

댓글 1개:

Michael Kim :

I also chose Patrick as the character I most identify with. I wonder if insecurity is caused by a lack of identity. Because if that were so, almost everyone in the world is searching for identity, because everyone is insecure. Who would not feel destroyed when his/her lover leaves? Does this necessarily mean that that person does not have identity (and in turn insecure)? If it were true, I know I would be a very insecure person.